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2-1009 Lydiard Street North BALLARAT2-1009 Lydiard Street North BALLARATBedrooms3Bathrooms2Parking2607 Main Road BALLARAT607 Main Road BALLARATBedrooms3Bathrooms1Parking117 Sidbury Avenue WENDOUREE17 Sidbury Avenue WENDOUREEBedrooms3Bathrooms2Parking259 Brooke Street SMYTHESDALE59 Brooke Street SMYTHESDALEBedrooms0Bathrooms0Parking0Lot 1-3 Chiara Court BROWN HILLLot 1-3 Chiara Court BROWN HILLBedrooms3Bathrooms2Parking34 Megan Street MINERS REST4 Megan Street MINERS RESTBedrooms3Bathrooms2Parking113 Milverton Lane CANADIAN13 Milverton Lane CANADIANBedrooms3Bathrooms2Parking26A Hickory Lane CRESWICK6A Hickory Lane CRESWICKBedrooms2Bathrooms2Parking258 Hastings Street WENDOUREE58 Hastings Street WENDOUREEBedrooms3Bathrooms1Parking42 Cockerall Street 2 Cockerall Street Bedrooms0Bathrooms0Parking0112 Gregory Street BALLARAT NORTH112 Gregory Street BALLARAT NORTHBedrooms3Bathrooms1Parking12-33 Connellan Street BALLARAT EAST2-33 Connellan Street BALLARAT EASTBedrooms3Bathrooms2Parking120 Queen Street SEBASTOPOL20 Queen Street SEBASTOPOLBedrooms3Bathrooms2Parking421 Munro Street ALFREDTON21 Munro Street ALFREDTONBedrooms4Bathrooms2Parking1316 Specimen Vale BALLARAT316 Specimen Vale BALLARATBedrooms3Bathrooms1Parking1213 Lyons Street South BALLARAT CENTRAL213 Lyons Street South BALLARAT CENTRALBedrooms3Bathrooms1Parking2