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643 Bond Street BALLARAT643 Bond Street BALLARATBedrooms4Bathrooms1Parking127 Gent Street BALLARAT CENTRAL27 Gent Street BALLARAT CENTRALBedrooms3Bathrooms2Parking218 Shasta Drive DELACOMBE18 Shasta Drive DELACOMBEBedrooms5Bathrooms2Parking313a Brophy Street BROWN HILL13a Brophy Street BROWN HILLBedrooms3Bathrooms2Parking213 Malcolm Court 13 Malcolm Court Bedrooms2Bathrooms1Parking1127 Eureka Street BALLARAT EAST127 Eureka Street BALLARAT EASTBedrooms3Bathrooms1Parking221 Park Street WENDOUREE21 Park Street WENDOUREEBedrooms3Bathrooms1Parking115 Pryor Street MOUNT PLEASANT15 Pryor Street MOUNT PLEASANTBedrooms3Bathrooms2Parking2Address On RequestAddress On RequestBedrooms3Bathrooms1Parking116 Spencer Street 16 Spencer Street Bedrooms3Bathrooms1Parking116 Yarra Park Drive 16 Yarra Park Drive Bedrooms3Bathrooms2Parking11 & 2-104 Moola Street BALLARAT NORTH1 & 2-104 Moola Street BALLARAT NORTHBedrooms3Bathrooms2Parking223 Deakin Drive DELACOMBE23 Deakin Drive DELACOMBEBedrooms4Bathrooms2Parking2220 Talbot Street 220 Talbot Street Bedrooms2Bathrooms1Parking146 Frances Crescent 46 Frances Crescent Bedrooms3Bathrooms1Parking14 Jordan Avenue DELACOMBE4 Jordan Avenue DELACOMBEBedrooms2Bathrooms1Parking1