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15 Shelley Street WENDOUREE15 Shelley Street WENDOUREEBedrooms3Bathrooms1Parking21016 Norman Street WENDOUREE1016 Norman Street WENDOUREEBedrooms3Bathrooms1Parking2Address On RequestAddress On RequestBedrooms3Bathrooms1Parking280 Lone Hand Road 80 Lone Hand Road Bedrooms0Bathrooms0Parking040 Creekstone Drive ALFREDTON40 Creekstone Drive ALFREDTONBedrooms4Bathrooms2Parking226 Bradby Avenue MOUNT CLEAR26 Bradby Avenue MOUNT CLEARBedrooms4Bathrooms2Parking44-320 Humffray Street 4-320 Humffray Street Bedrooms2Bathrooms1Parking15 Gemstone Road DELACOMBE5 Gemstone Road DELACOMBEBedrooms3Bathrooms2Parking219 The Gums  19 The Gums Bedrooms3Bathrooms1Parking11-307 Specimen Vale BALLARAT EAST1-307 Specimen Vale BALLARAT EASTBedrooms3Bathrooms2Parking18 Lofven Street 8 Lofven Street Bedrooms3Bathrooms1Parking117 Alexandra Street 17 Alexandra Street Bedrooms3Bathrooms1Parking15-1010 Geelong Road MOUNT CLEAR5-1010 Geelong Road MOUNT CLEARBedrooms2Bathrooms1Parking166 Water Street BROWN HILL66 Water Street BROWN HILLBedrooms4Bathrooms2Parking3115 Larter Street 115 Larter Street Bedrooms2Bathrooms1Parking1113 Melbourne Road BROWN HILL113 Melbourne Road BROWN HILLBedrooms4Bathrooms2Parking2